Last Thursday I went to Cambridge in search of the reported Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. I struck out on the heron, but I was entertained by the insects, especially the dragonflies. I actually managed to find three species of dragonfly I had never seen before. There were no doubt more species, but I didn't bring my net!
Black-tipped Darner |
Lance-tipped Darner |
Williamson's Emerald |
Ebony Jewelwings were very numerous.
There were a few American Rubyspots along the river.
There was a single Slender Spreadwing, and a single Shadow Darner.
Slender Spreadwing |
Shadow Darner |
A couple butterflies and moths.
Wild Indigo Duskywing |
Gypsy Moth |
No heron, but still a productive outing!
Lil' Snapper |
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