While many naturalists are out getting a start to their 2019 bird year list, I have been focusing on other things. Admittedly, I think last weekend when I went to Rondeau was my only time "properly" birding so far this year, and even then I quickly got distracted by other things! (cue moss)
Hedwigia ciliata |
I guess I am in a way doing a year list of sorts, but not just birds...
click here
Anyways, I''ll detail some highlights from the last couple weeks. I have seen some cool stuff, if I do say so myself! (note: I'll be using common names for a lot of stuff, however some common names change depending on who you ask!)
On January 1st I found a couple things just after midnight, starting the year off right!
Common Earthworm |
Common Sac Spider |
That morning I went on a bird hike, however I quickly got off track.
Biting Stonecrop |
Maritime Sunburst Lichen |
Silvery Bryum |
Later that day I went to find some fish (and other things).
Smallmouth Bass |
Johnny Darter |
Spotfin Shiner |
Striped Shiner |
Black Sooty Mold |
A couple days later I went out again in search of fish. I dipnetted a little stream near me and caught a bunch of Brook Sticklebacks. I caught this species up on James Bay so it seemed strange to be seeing them down here!
Brook Stickleback |
Creek Chub |
Central Stoneroller |
Despite it being January, I have actually come across two amphibians, and adult and a tadpole Green Frog, both caught accidentally with my dipnet.
Fish and frogs are not the only thing caught with my net, sometimes I pull up some aquatic plants.
Crisp-leaved Pondweed |
I have also crossed paths with two species of moths, although they weren't adults.
Virginia Ctenucha |
Gypsy Moth (eggs) |
Finally, as of late I have been attempting to look at lichens. Lichens may just be one of the hardest groups to identify in Ontario! I'll try to keep from being discouraged.
Candleflame Lichen |
Illosporiopsis christiasenii |
I have found it very rewarding to stop and take time to seek out and appreciate all the little things around us.
I came across this short article on being a "100% Naturalist" a few months ago, and found it very interesting. You may have seen it, but if you haven't, I strongly urge that you read it. I think we should all try and be as much as a 100% Naturalist as we can be! You can read it
Quinten, what are using to ID lichen? I've recently expanded into other "things" besides birds and have noticed lichen but don't have clue how to ID. Thanks, Bob
ReplyDeleteLast year, iNaturalist added a feature where it would analyse your photo and give you suggestions as to what it was. I find it can typically get at least the genus correct most of the time, and occasionally even the species. Currently, it is my main source for helping me with my IDs. Lichens are quite difficult, no doubt about that!