This past weekend was quite eventful. On Saturday I birded Komoka Provincial Park. It was relativity quiet, but I was able to find a sizable group of robins, some Golden-crowned Kinglets, White-tailed Deer, and my first Pileated Woodpecker of the year.
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Afterwards I went to Kilally Meadows, because I had a hunch that there'd be some American Woodcocks. It wasn't long until I found four displaying males, my 100th species for the year.
Yesterday we were in the Hamilton region, so we spent a couple hours birding in the area.
We first checked out LaSalle park in Burlington, where were saw dozens of Trumpeter Swans and Mute Swans.
Trumpeter Swan |
Trumpeter Swan |
Trumpeter Swan |
Trumpeter Swan |
Mute Swan |
A couple other ducks were around as well.
American Black Duck |
Greater Scaup |
Wood Duck |
I also managed to find my first Horned Grebe and Red-necked Grebe of the year in the bay.
Afterwards we made a quick stop to check out the huge group of Ring-billed Gulls.
I stopped into Windermere Basin to see what was around. It was fairly quiet (or maybe I just didn't look hard because it was cold and windy)
Lesser Scaup |
Ruddy Duck |
Our last stop was to look for Short-eared Owls near Stoney Creek. Although we didn't find the owls, we did mange to find a Snowy Owl, an American Woodcock, and duetting Great Horned Owls. Great way to end the day!
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