As soon as I stepped out of the car, Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks, and Savannah Sparrows were singing.
Bobolink |
Meadowlark |
Red-winged Blackbird |
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Savannah Sparrow |
You can see why the Bobolink is sometimes called the "Skunk Bird".
After a few minutes, I heard an Upland Sandpiper. I had no luck in getting a visual though.
I did manage to locate a Great Spangled Fritillary and Black Saddlebags.
After the Upland Sandpiper spot, it was off to the Clay-colored Sparrows.
Nothing at first other than a singing Indigo Bunting and some Chipping Sparrows.
I heard the Clay-colored briefly, but that was it.
The butterflies entertained me when the birds were slow. Here is an Eastern Tailed Blue.
I finally managed to add another Branded Skipper to my life list! This is a very cooperative Dun Skipper.
Common Wood-Nymphs never seem to sit still! This was the longest sitting one all day-about 15 seconds!
All-in-all, a productive day out birding.
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