Sunday 31 May 2020

End of May Sightings

The end of May is now upon us. I have been out and about over the past few days. Here are some highlights.

On Friday I joined Will Van Hemessen and Pauline Catling for a spring floral survey of the Kelly Stanton Prairie. This is a really neat site in west London, situated between two train tracks. 

There is a good population of Small Yellow Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin).

The hybrid honeysuckle, Bell's Honeysuckle (Lonicera × bella) was found throughout. 

The prairie proved to be great for sedges.

Yellow-green Sedge (Carex flava)

Inflated Sedge (Carex vesicaria)

Golden Sedge (Carex aurea)

Meadow Sedge (Carex granularis)

Rosy Sedge (Carex rosea)

Pale Sedge (Carex pallescens)

We found a large population of what we think may be Mead's Sedge (Carex meadii), ranked S2 (between 6 and 20 occurrences) in Ontario. Its a very similar species to Rigid Sedge (Carex tetanica), and may not even be separable in some cases. 

This next plant, Naked Broomrape (Aphyllon uniflorum), is species of parasitic plant. 

Fast forward to today. Last night a Wilson's Phalarope was found in North London, not too far from me! Early this morning I rode my bike out there, and was pleased to see it was still around. I heard a couple Black-billed Cuckoos singing, which is always nice.

Later in the afternoon, I was exploring a section of the nearby creek I hadn't been to before, and I found a couple clubtails, which ended up being Pronghorn Clubtails! A new species for me, and an uncommon species in Ontario, ranked S3 (between 21 and 80 occurrences).

Onward to June!

The Blogger interface has updated, so bound to be a few changes with the appearances. Bear with me as I figure it out, haha!


  1. The new blogger interface is difficult to use, I switched to using the HTML to get it looking half-decent, mostly copying from old posts lol. What does 21-80 occurences mean? Like they've only ever been seen that many times?

    1. Perhaps I will have to give that a try! Occurrences refers to locations at which this species to found (ie 21-80 locations) :)
