Friday, 5 March 2021

Touring Southwest Middlesex

Today my aunt and I went for a tour of Southwest Middlesex. I had a goal of trying to find the Western Meadowlark within Middlesex County bounds, but it was not to be. I even made several passes of where it was in Lambton with no success! I think that the melting of the snow exposed a lot more open ground for which the meadowlark to feed, so it was no longer restricted to right beside the road.

Lots of driving today (we spent about three hours going up and down roads!) with few photos. A couple highlights which were not photographed include several Rough-legged Hawks (seemed weirdly abundant), as well as my first Killdeer and Tundra Swans of the year. I was hoping to cross paths with a Lapland Longspur, but it was not to be.

Down near Glencoe, we came across an adult Golden Eagle while cruising down Watterworth Road. Not great photos, but my best ones of the species. No flat tires today!

A little bit later, we came across a Northern Shrike, also my best photos of the species. I have enjoyed seeing shrikes this past winter (this was my fourth individual, usually I am lucky to see one!)

After spending nearly three hours going in circles, we called it quits and headed back to London. We stopped into Strathroy, where we saw the Snow Goose which has been around for a few days. I managed to see it a few days ago, but it had been back in a field, so was nice to see it close. I didn't feel like getting out of the car, so no photos :)

My aunt hadn't seen the famous Harlequin Duck in London yet, so we went to visit him. His molt is progressing nicely. I wonder how long he'll stay around. 

Afterwards we went to go check out the Spotted Towhee. I heard it call once, but it never came out into the open. Oh well, it'll probably be around for awhile yet.

MODO hanging out

A good day! 


  1. Hi Quentin, the last I saw the Meadowlark was on Feb 24th. I managed to get some good shots on the 21st as well. I have been in that area daily without much luck. Funny you should mention "Flat tires" I have had 3 this winter! I live on Watterworth Road.

    1. Hi Denise! Thanks for the update on the Meadowlark...๐Ÿ™‚ Perhaps it has moved on.

  2. Another great day! Thanks, Quinten! ๐Ÿ˜Š
    (And no flat tire...yay!)

  3. Love the shots Son. Beautiful Golden.
