For the past couple of months, I have been "mothing", or looking at moths, in my yard. I have been at this since June 2018, but last July (which is peak time), I really slacked off. I think I was just exhausted after spending a hardcore weekend in Algonquin!
This year there hasn't been much going on (I'm sure its evident why!), so I have been able to set up my sheet and mercury vapour light almost every night, weather depending. I have been having an excellent season so far, with over 370 different species of moths recorded. Just a few nights ago, I actually surpassed 500 species for my all time yard list. At the beginning of the season, my yard list was somewhere around 360 species, so I'd say I've had some great luck.
Here are a few of my highlights!
Walnut Sphinx |
Northern Pine Looper |
Indented Dichomeris Moth |
Peppered Moth |
Yellow Slant-Line |
Beggar Moth |
Blinded Sphinx |
Buck's Plume Moth |
Yellow-winged Leafroller |
Powder Moth |
Rose Hooktip |
Dimorphic Tosale Moth |
Delicate Cycnia |
Common Lytrosis |
Virginia Creeper Sphinx |
Spear-marked Black |
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth |
Olive Angle Shades |
Orange-headed Epicallima Moth |
Sharp-lined Yellow |
Yellow-headed Cutworm |
Streaked Ethmia Moth |
Red-lined Panopoda |
Linden Bark Borer |
Minor Grass-Veneer |
Thin-lined Owlet |
Linden Prominent |
Juniper Geometer Moth |
Basswood Leafroller |
Mottled Prominent |
Oblique Heterocampa Moth |
Beautiful Wood-Nypmh |
Skiff Moth |
Cochylis bucera |
Black-rimmed Prominent |
Glorious Habrosyne |
Western Furcula |
Hologram Moth |
Eastern Black-headed Budworm Moth |
Pandoras Sphinx |
This week is National Moth Week, so get out and see some moths!
In other news, I thought I'd just tack on these ode pictures from North London this week. Spot-winged Glider is a lifer for me, Saffron-winged Meadowhawk is a first Middlesex county record, and Pronghorn Clubtail is always cool.
Spot-winged Glider |
Saffron-winged Meadowhawk |
Pronghorn Clubtail |
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