Monday 2 March 2020

Moss and Fish

I have spent more time than I probably should have in the last month or so looking at mosses, a difficult genera that I seem to really like for some reason. Here are some of my favourites. (Cell phone photos because I have forgotten my SD card in a few occasions).

Goose Egg Moss (Arrhenopterum heterostichum) is a species that seems to be indicative of rich Carolinian forest habitat. This was from Skunk's Misery in Southwest Middlesex county. I have also seen it in Rondeau Provincial Park. 

I believe that this is Steerecleus Moss (Rhynchostegium serrulatum), based on the capsule shape and twisted leaf tips (apices), among other microscopic features. It is fairly uncommon.

Another uncommon species of moss is Ohio Haircap Moss (Polytrichastrum ohioense)

A favourite of mine is Marsh Cardinal Moss (Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum) is a species of calcareous habitats. The bright red stems are quite the show stopper.

One last moss is Streamside Schistidium Moss (Schistidium rivulare). This is a difficult genus to key out, but habitat is a huge indicator (I had this on a rock right beside a creek).

Now a couple fish to wrap things up.


Greenside Darter

Northern Hog Sucker

Central Stoneroller

Birdwise, I have seen the overwintering Golden Eagles and Short-eared Owls in the southern part of the county. The first blackbirds came in en masse (around 80 total) on February 24, but with the weather, I haven't seen any since. Still waiting for the vultures!

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