This past week has been quite something in Ontario!
Last Sunday I visited the Rondeau area to have a look around. I stopped into Ridgetown on the way, and was rewarded with some Snow Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese.
Snow Geese |
Greater White-fronted Geese |
Rondeau itself was pretty quiet, but I was able to find a few things here and there, including my first of year (FOY) Eastern Phoebes and Rusty Blackbirds of the year.
Horned Grebe |
Lesser Scaup |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Downy Woodpecker |
There was a flooded field just north of Shrewsbury which was quite productive. I managed to find my FOY Dunlin and Lesser Yellowlegs.
Gadwall |
Green-winged Teal and American Robin |
Dunlin |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Last stop was the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.
Plenty of ducks and Bonaparte's Gulls!
Ruddy Duck |
Bonaparte's Gull |
Just before I left, this Eastern Meadowlark popped up.
Fast forward to yesterday. I managed to get out to the landfill before the ice storm hit to look for some of the reported gulls. Although I missed the Glaucous Gull, I did see my FOY Lesser Black-backed Gull. I managed some far off record photos.
I also came across my FOY Greater Yellowlegs, as well as a Lesser Yellowlegs.
Greater Yellowlegs |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Hopefully this weird weather clears out soon!
Weird weather is an understatement, lol! Water levels here very high, in fact higher than the time in February!